Revenge of the sexy siblings!

Alien 3.3Alien 3.3 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

All right, I think we’ve established that I’m a liar now. That being said, the next part will be out in a few hours (give or take a month or two).

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to figure out which series I’m going to use when I post episode 4. Although it wasn’t intentional, I ended up doing one series per episode. Looks like I’ll be sticking with that.

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.34 + Omake

oraoraoraoraWatamote 34 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]
Vol.3 Omake — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

Oh look, we’re pumping out release now (not really). The chapter was done in like–I don’t remember–3 hours or something close to that because it’s a short chapter. But, in exchange for a short chapter we also bring you the Vol.3 Omake which was supposed to come out last week.

There’s an advert. for that Love Despite thing, because they need more art people again. It’ll be on the reader too, but I’ll take it off in 7 days. For shameless advertising you can have my old Gammer Mix I
found last week when I was going to put out the Omake. If you don’t like Hardcore, well, I dunno. Go
watch anime or something. (There’s a new poll by the way.)

The sexy siblings strike back!

Alien 3.2Alien 3.2 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

OK, I didn’t exactly lie. Yes, it’s true that the lettering for this part was a formidable opponent, but, well…I kinda left out the part where I had already finished it at the time of that post. Heh, how silly of me. Well, that particular gag is only funny once, so don’t hold the same expectations for the next part.

Attack of the sexy siblings!

Alien 3.1Alien 3.1 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

No, these are not the aforementioned sexy siblings. They are Katz and Leon from a different series (which will be my next project when I finish Alien).

Anyway, this part took me forever due to motivation issues and a stupid amount of display lettering. The next part isn’t anywhere near as bad, but still pretty far out there. There’s no telling how long that one will take me, but I will do my best to plow through it at top speed! It should be out within the next month or so.

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.33

DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

First Watamote of the year! It was actually done yesterday, but was held back to verify some other things, and a glaring error was found/fixed just moments before upload. We’re all still kinda on a New Year’s down-spiral so report any errors that you find.

We got some hopefuls for Cosmos, but I’m still on the look out! Gotta kick my ass into high gear because I’ve been slacking for months. Hopefully Memoria’s Vol 2 will be rolling out by the end of the month.