Obligatory Holiday Greetings

As most will do around this time, here’s a Happy Holidays post for you RSS cats out there.

Admittedly we didn’t really prepare anything special since にんげん and I haven’t had a chance to discuss much of anything at all, with him traversing the world like a world warrior, and me being confined to my bed with a assortment illnesses and such. But somehow we’ve managed to last almost a year though, and that itself is pretty darn awesome, if I do say so myself.

Anyways, enjoy your holidays and stuff. Make sure to catch up on your various backlogs!

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It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.9.5 [Special Edition]

Oh, did I say tomorrow? I meant today. I’m oh so sorry, don’t be mad.

DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

I actually OP’d the /a/ thread this time, but well, the cleaner was kinda slow and I didn’t feel like waiting so I just did it myself. Sorry Cleaner-kun, you tried. Maybe next time.

Happy holidays to you all. Hope you all have a nice break and stuff.
But before that you better pass all those Finals, guys.

Houkago Play Ch.26 & 27

It’s release jumble week once again. But wait, why is Houkago Play on Cosmos day.

Chapter 26
DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

Chapter 27
DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

I became terribly ill, and にんげん had become wrapped up in the great Finals race, so we’ve been taking it slow. Cosmos isn’t dropped, we’re waiting for something to occur, that involves a plane, before we start releasing more. Plus certain cool things should start to happen, so I’m personally excited for the future.

Loser Girl tomorrow. Prepare yourselves.

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.09

Despite several adversities we manage to release this chapter.
And what do you know, it’s not a [v0]. Hooray?

DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

I literally just threw my mouse into the trashcan because during this entire ordeal the laser kept dying. And, well, it makes the entire task of cleaning and typesetting really horrible.
Also にんげん ignored his finals essay for however long it took me to finish. Now that’s dedication. (He managed to finish them at about 2:40 AM PST!)

There was an /a/ thread that I didn’t see until I was halfway done. I really could have used those extra cleaners, man. And of course it got dubs hijacked, but what can you do.

*typesetting liberties were used in this release, feel free to hate me